Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Virtual Tours

A virtual tour is either a presentation of pictures, video, or a model. Virtual tours can be of anything, educational or not. Many that would be good for the educational process and in lessons are tours of museums or exhibits, historical sites, zoos, geographical landmarks, and things all over the world. I could use a virtual tour in my classroom when teaching on the Civil War and show the students different battlegrounds from the war. I could also use one when teaching on ancient Greece or Roman history. Virtual tours of the ruins left from that time gives the students a look at what they look like now in the modern world. These virtual tours are great for letting students get a different look on something involved in a lesson. Many students like to watch movies or videos so the use of a virtual tour would grab the students' attention and get them interested in the topic. One bad thing that virtual tours have on them is that there are not always virtual tours of the information you are looking for to present. Another problem that the virtual tours have is that they do not always have the information on them that a teacher is looking for in their lesson plans.

1 comment:

  1. You are correct that virtual tours are seldom a complete answer. They do, however, complement what we do in the classroom nicely.
